Power Rangers Unlimited

Blake Foster Interview


Totally Fox Kids Magazine

If you could compete in any three sports in the Olympics, what would they be?

I would love that! I would pick basketball, karate, and gymnastics.

What's your fave team?

Chicago Bulls! I can tell you anything you want to know about Michael Jordan!

What sports award would you most like to win?

I like all the rings... basketball rings, football rings. They're cool.

What's next on your personal "to do" dream list? (Now that you've achieved Blue Ranger-ness!)

Get into college at UCLA and play college basketball... and maybe get drafted!

What's your fave scene in the "Power Rangers Turbo" movie?

The really cool scene fighting PutraPods on the ghost ship. I did this swash-buckling thing – grabbing a rope and swinging in to fight them. That was great!

Is Jason Frank (Tommy) really that good at karate?

Yes! He can do twenty jump-spinning heel kicks in a row. I can do about five. He's really good.

What's the funniest thing that happened with the Power Rangers?

I was riding an elevator when Johnny Bosch (Adam) started singing the
"Mission: Impossible" theme and climbing up the railing of the elevator. He tried to remove the grill on the ceiling – it was hilarious.

What's your best sports moment?

When I got my black belt. The test lasts five hours. I trained about three months for the test. No mistakes are allowed. You have to break boards and fight four people at one time!